Saturday, May 4, 2024

Get 5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business


How to start a shisa nyama business

Shisa nyama is in the hearts of South Africans, we all get together to enjoy some well-brayed meat and a few drinks at our favorite places. This article will look at how to start a shisa nyama business in South Africa.

Starting a successful shisa nyama business is not easy, but many entrepreneurs in our townships have proven that it is possible. You will find a popular shisa nyama spot in every Kasi you go to. Let’s first look at what you’ll need to start your business.

5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business
5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business

What does a shisa nyama sell?

To figure out what you’ll need, we first need to figure out what you plan to sell at your shisa nyama business. In South Africa, you can sell beef, worse, chicken, alcohol, and some salads.

What you sell will depend on your target market, a shisa nyama in suburban areas tends to be a bit different from one in our townships. As an entrepreneur, you must first draw up a list of everything you will be selling. Doing this will make it easier for you to know which equipment to buy.

What do you need to execute a successful shisa nyama?

Operating premises

You need an operating space to sell your shisa nyama and serve your customers. Unfortunately, this is one of the most difficult businesses to start from home.

People go to a shisa nyama place to relax, socialize, and for the atmosphere. You need a place of operation large enough to accommodate this. The cost will depend on your preferred location.

Your operating premises must have adequate facilities for your customers to enjoy their place. You should have enough chairs for your customers to sit on, enough fires so they can braise without waiting in line for too long. You must also have an entertainment system in the form of music and television.

The entertainment system is to keep them entertained, you have to play trendy music and create a good atmosphere where they want to be. Play sports or popular shows on your TV when it’s time.

Make sure your clients have enough shelter in case of rain. Setting up operational facilities can cost between R20,000 and R150,000, depending on what you want.

5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business
5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business

Shisa nyama equipment

A shisa nyama business does not require a lot of equipment, you need some refrigerators to store your meat and drinks, entertainment systems, chairs, and fire areas.

In fire areas; you can choose to use traditional gas or charcoal burners. You will also spend a little on chairs. We do not assume that your shisa nyama will also be a slaughterhouse.


The last thing you need is people, you need maybe one to six employees when starting out. These employees will help with the day-to-day running of the business. You need one person to clean and maintain the area, one to focus on helping customers, and one to handle sales and make sure there is enough of everything.

5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business
5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business

Marketing a shisa nyama business

I am sure you have been to some shisa nyama places, did you go there because you saw them advertised on TV, radio, newspapers or flyers? Or was it because a friend recommended them or you were just passing through?

I guess it’s the latter. A shisa nyama business does not need to invest much in marketing, as this happens almost naturally as long as it is an accessible place and has a good atmosphere.


Opening a shisa nyama does not require any special legalities unless you are going to sell alcohol. If you are going to sell alcohol, you must have a liquor license that allows you to do so. Otherwise, you just need to register your business with CIPC like any other business.


Starting a shisa nyama business is one of the most fun adventures. This article has discussed starting a shisa nyama business. Do you have any ideas or questions? Leave them in the comments section below.

Get 5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business
Get 5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is a Shisa Nyama business? A Shisa Nyama business is a popular South African barbecue venture, where customers can buy grilled and barbecued meat, often served with traditional side dishes like pap, chakalaka, and coleslaw. It’s a vibrant and social dining experience that has gained immense popularity in the country.

Q2: How do I start a Shisa Nyama business? Starting a Shisa Nyama business involves several essential steps:

Step 1: Research and Planning Conduct thorough market research to identify your target audience, competition, and location. Create a detailed business plan outlining your concept, menu, pricing, and marketing strategies.

Step 2: Legal Requirements Register your business with the appropriate government authorities and obtain all necessary permits and licenses to operate a food business. This includes health and safety certifications, food handling permits, and zoning approvals.

Step 3: Location and Setup Choose a strategic location with high foot traffic and ample space for grilling and seating. Set up an inviting and comfortable outdoor dining area with tables, chairs, and shade options. Invest in quality grilling equipment and ensure proper waste disposal facilities.

Step 4: Sourcing Ingredients Establish relationships with reliable suppliers for fresh and high-quality meat, as well as traditional side dishes and condiments. Consistency in the taste and quality of your offerings is crucial for building a loyal customer base.

Step 5: Marketing and Promotion Utilize various marketing channels to create awareness about your Shisa Nyama business. Leverage social media platforms, local advertising, and partnerships with nearby establishments to attract customers. Offer promotions and discounts to entice new patrons and retain existing ones.

Q3: What are the key challenges in running a Shisa Nyama business? Running a Shisa Nyama business comes with its challenges, including:

  • Seasonal Demand: Sales may fluctuate based on weather conditions and seasonal preferences.
  • Competition: The food industry can be competitive, so it’s vital to differentiate your offerings and provide excellent customer service.
  • Health and Safety Compliance: Meeting health and safety standards is crucial to avoid legal issues and maintain customer trust.
  • Supply Chain Issues: Ensuring a consistent supply of quality ingredients can be challenging.
  • Marketing: Attracting and retaining customers requires effective marketing efforts.

Q4: How can I stand out from competitors? To stand out from competitors, consider the following strategies:

  • Unique Menu: Offer signature dishes or innovative twists on traditional recipes to create a distinct identity.
  • Ambience and Entertainment: Create a lively and welcoming atmosphere with music, entertainment, and themed events.
  • Customer Engagement: Interact with customers, take feedback seriously, and tailor your offerings based on their preferences.
  • Community Involvement: Participate in local events and support community initiatives to build a strong brand reputation.

Q5: Is a Shisa Nyama business profitable? The profitability of a Shisa Nyama business depends on various factors, including location, cost management, pricing, and customer volume. With proper planning, efficient operations, and effective marketing, it can be a profitable venture. However, success may take time, and continuous efforts to improve and adapt are essential.

5 Steps How to Start a Shisa Nyama Business
Warten Weg
Warten Weg
I'm Lindani Thango, an experienced Managing Editor skilled in overseeing editorial teams, maintaining standards, and delivering timely, high-quality content. I'm dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment and staying attuned to industry trends to ensure our publication remains a trusted source of news and insights. Exclusive articles:

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